Criminal Record 2024 an upcoming British crime thriller television series created by Paul Rutman, is poised to make its highly anticipated debut on Apple TV+ on January 10, 2024. With Rutman at the helm, the series promises to deliver a compelling narrative filled with suspense and intrigue. Set against the backdrop of the criminal underworld, “Criminal Record” is set to captivate audiences with its intense storytelling and is scheduled to unfold its mysteries on the streaming platform, Apple TV+.
Series Name | Criminal Record |
Created by | Paul Rutman |
Age Rating | Not Rated Yet |
Genre | Crime, Drama, Thriller |
Release Date | January 12, 2024 (United States) |
Season | 1 |
Episodes | 8 |
Language | English |
Stellar cast | Aysha Kala, Tom Moutchi, Cathy Tyson, Zoë Wanamaker |
Country of Origin | United Kingdom, United States |
Official Website | Apple TV+ |
Criminal Record Plot Summary
In the bustling city of London, an ominous phone call shatters the calm of two brilliant detectives, pulling them into a web of intrigue that spans generations. Detective Eleanor Turner, a young and ambitious woman in the early stages of her career, receives an anonymous tip about an unsolved murder case that has haunted the city for decades. The victim: a promising young journalist named Olivia Foster, whose life was cut short under mysterious circumstances.
As Eleanor delves into the details of the cold case, she uncovers a disturbing connection to a powerful and influential figure in the city, Sir Malcolm Ashcroft. A man with a pristine reputation and deep roots in high society, Sir Malcolm is determined to protect his legacy at any cost. His influence reaches far and wide, creating a daunting obstacle for Eleanor as she navigates the complex and treacherous world of privilege and power.
The other detective drawn into the fray is Inspector David Lawrence, a seasoned investigator with a network of connections that extends into the darkest corners of London’s underworld. Lawrence has his own reasons for reopening the case, rooted in a personal connection to the victim that he has kept hidden for years. The tensions between Eleanor and David rise as they grapple with their differing approaches to justice, fueled by their own motives and the societal divisions that permeate modern-day Britain.
“Shattered Echoes” is not just a murder mystery; it’s a gripping exploration of race, institutional failure, and the pursuit of truth in a polarized society. Eleanor, an advocate for justice, faces the challenges of breaking through the barriers of privilege, while David confronts the ghosts of his past and the shadows that lurk within the city’s power structures. Together, they must find common ground amidst the chaos, unraveling the layers of deception that have protected the guilty and exposing the shattered echoes of a crime that has haunted the city for far too long.
Criminal Record 2024 Parents Guide
- Violence: Moderate. Includes depictions of crime scenes, investigative procedures, and confrontations. Some scenes may be intense, but there is no gratuitous or excessive violence.
- Language: Mild. Occasional use of strong language in line with the crime genre and tense situations.
- Sexual Content: Minimal. The focus is on the murder investigation, with brief, non-explicit references to relationships.
- Drug and Alcohol Use: Moderate. Depictions of social drinking and scenes involving characters in bars. No glorification of substance abuse.
- Themes: The movie explores themes of justice, privilege, and institutional failure. It addresses societal issues without being overly graphic or explicit.
- Intensity: The film has moments of suspense and tension, typical of a crime mystery, but it does not feature extreme or graphic content.
Recommended Age: “Shattered Echoes” is suitable for viewers aged 14 and above, due to its mature themes and moderate intensity. Parental discretion is advised for younger audiences.
Cast of Criminal Record film
- Peter Capaldi as Detective Chief Inspector Daniel Hegarty
- Cush Jumbo as Detective Sergeant June Lenker
- Dionne Brown as Detective Constable Chloe Summers
- Stephen Campbell Moore as Leo Hanratty
- Charlie Creed-Miles as Detective Sergeant Tony Gilfoyle
- Shaun Dooley as Detective Sergeant Kim Cardwell
- Aysha Kala as Sonya Singh
- Tom Moutchi as Errol Mathis
- Cathy Tyson as Doris Mathis
- Zoë Wanamaker as Maureen
Criminal Record 2024″ is a British crime thriller series set to debut on Apple TV+ on January 10, 2024. Created by Paul Rutman, the show follows Detective Eleanor Turner and Inspector David Lawrence as they investigate an unsolved murder with ties to a powerful figure, Sir Malcolm Ashcroft. The plot explores themes of justice, privilege, and institutional failure.
Key Points:
- Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller
- Release Date: January 10, 2024
- Seasons: 1
- Episodes: 8
- Language: English
- Cast: Aysha Kala, Tom Moutchi, Cathy Tyson, Zoë Wanamaker, and others.
- Plot: Eleanor uncovers a connection to Sir Malcolm Ashcroft in a decades-old murder case. Inspector David Lawrence joins the investigation with personal motives. The narrative delves into societal divisions, race, and the pursuit of truth in a polarized society.
- Parental Guide: Moderate violence, mild language, minimal sexual content, moderate drug and alcohol use. Themes explore justice, privilege, and institutional failure. Recommended for viewers aged 14 and above.