Merry Little Batman is a 2023 American animated superhero film directed by Mike Roth and written by Morgan Evans, Jase Ricci, and Etan Cohen. It draws inspiration from DC Comics and focuses on iconic characters Batman and Damian Wayne. The voice cast includes Yonas Kibreab, Luke Wilson, James Cromwell, and David Hornsby. The storyline centers around Damian’s mission to safeguard Wayne Manor from villains amidst the Christmas season.
Released on December 8, 2023, exclusively on Amazon Prime Video, Merry Little Batman has garnered attention. Additionally, a TV series named “Bat-Family,” stemming from the film, is currently in development.
Movie Name | Merry Little Batman |
Genre | Holiday, Action, Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Kids & Family |
Rating | Not Rated Yet |
Original Language | English |
Director | Mike Roth |
Producer | Rebecca Palatnik |
Writer | Morgan Evans |
Release Date (Streaming) | Dec 8, 2023 |
Distributor | Prime Video |
Production Co | DC Entertainment, Warner Animation Group |
Merry Little Batman Plot Summary
In the heartwarming holiday tale, Merry Little Batman, this Christmas takes an unexpected turn for Damian Wayne, the spirited son of the legendary Batman. Eager to follow in his father’s footsteps and don the cape as a bona fide superhero, Damian finds himself home alone on Christmas Eve, a circumstance that quickly transforms into a thrilling opportunity for heroism.
As the iconic Batman is drawn away to confront the nefarious supervillains plaguing Gotham, Damian’s solitude is interrupted by the discovery of a dastardly plot that threatens to steal the very essence of Christmas itself. Undeterred by his age or the absence of his father, Damian seizes the moment and embarks on an extraordinary adventure to thwart the villainous scheme and ensure that the holiday remains merry for all.
In this festive escapade, the spirit of Christmas becomes Damian’s greatest ally as he navigates the snowy streets of Gotham, encountering both familiar and new faces along the way. Faced with challenges that test his mettle and determination, Damian’s journey is a heartening blend of action, humor, and the indomitable magic that defines the holiday season.
Voiced with conviction by Yonas Kibreab, Damian Wayne’s character comes to life, portraying a young hero with the courage to stand up against darkness and protect the joy of Christmas. Joined by a cast featuring Luke Wilson, James Cromwell, and David Hornsby, the film weaves together their talents to create a memorable ensemble that captures the essence of the Batman universe.
As the climax unfolds on Christmas Eve, Damian’s heroic efforts culminate in a showdown that not only saves the day but also reinforces the enduring legacy of Gotham’s Dark Knight. The film’s release on December 8, 2023, exclusively on Amazon Prime Video, ensures that audiences of all ages can revel in the magic of “Merry Little Batman” during the festive season.
This heartening narrative sets the stage for the eagerly anticipated TV series, “Bat-Family,” promising to extend the enchantment and explore the rich tapestry of characters in the Batman universe. “Merry Little Batman” is not just a holiday adventure; it’s a celebration of the enduring spirit of heroism, family, and the magic that can be found in the most unexpected places during the most wonderful time of the year.
Merry Little Batman Parents Guide
Key Points for Parents:
- Violence: The movie contains action sequences typical of superhero stories, with Damian confronting supervillains. The tone is, however, geared towards family audiences.
- Humor: The film incorporates humor, creating a light-hearted and entertaining atmosphere suitable for kids and families.
- Positive Messages: Merry Little Batman delivers positive messages about courage, standing up against darkness, and the importance of family during the holiday season.
- No Explicit Content: There is no explicit language, mature content, or intense violence inappropriate for a family audience.
- Animation Style: The animation style is visually appealing and engaging for younger viewers.
Recommended Age:
- The film is suitable for audiences of all ages, making it a family-friendly choice for holiday viewing.
Here’s the list of the cast for Merry Little Batman:
- Luke Wilson as Bruce Wayne / Batman
- Yonas Kibreab as Damian Wayne / Little Batman
- James Cromwell as Alfred Pennyworth
- David Hornsby as The Joker
- Dolph Adomian as Mr. Freeze
- Michael Fielding as Terry
- Brian George as The Penguin
- Therese McLaughlin as Poison Ivy
- Cynthia Kaye McWilliams as Vicki Vale
- Natalie Palamides as Francine (voice)
- Reid Scott as Commissioner Gordon
Merry Little Batman is a 2023 animated superhero film directed by Mike Roth. The story follows Damian Wayne, Batman’s son, who, home alone on Christmas Eve, discovers a plot threatening Christmas itself. Voiced by Yonas Kibreab, Damian embarks on a heroic adventure, encountering familiar faces and using the spirit of Christmas to thwart the villains.
Key Points:
- Plot: Damian Wayne, Batman’s son, takes center stage in “Merry Little Batman,” safeguarding Christmas against villains in his father’s absence.
- Cast: The voice cast includes Luke Wilson as Batman, Yonas Kibreab as Damian, James Cromwell, and David Hornsby. The ensemble weaves talents to capture the essence of the Batman universe.
- Release: The film premiered on December 8, 2023, exclusively on Amazon Prime Video, offering a festive experience for audiences of all ages.
- Tone: The movie balances action with a family-friendly tone, incorporating humor and delivering positive messages about courage and family during the holiday season.
- TV Series: A spin-off TV series, “Bat-Family,” is in development, promising to explore the rich tapestry of characters in the Batman universe.
Key Points for Parents:
- Violence: Typical superhero action with a family-friendly tone.
- Humor: Incorporates humor, creating a light-hearted and entertaining atmosphere.
- Positive Messages: Emphasizes courage, standing up against darkness, and the importance of family during the holidays.
- No Explicit Content: Suitable for family audiences, with no explicit language, mature content, or intense violence.
- Animation Style: Visually appealing and engaging for younger viewers.