“The End We Start From” is an upcoming Thriller-Drama film directed by Mahalia Belo, with a script penned by Alice Birch and Megan Hunter. Produced by BBC Film and Hera Pictures, the film is set to make its debut on December 8, 2023. The talented cast includes Jodie Comer, Benedict Cumberbatch, Joel Fry, Ansu Kabia, Bolaji ‘BJ Kenny’ Kehinde, Gina McKee, Gavin Par, and Alexandria Riley. Distributed by UTA Independent Film Group, this suspenseful drama promises an engaging cinematic experience
The End We Start From Movie Details
Movie Name | The End We Start From |
Genre | Drama, Mystery & Thriller |
Rating | Not Yet |
Original Language | English |
Director | Mahalia Belo |
Producers | Leah Clarke, Liza Marshall, Adam Ackland, Amy Jackson, Sophie Hunter |
Writer | Alice Birch |
Release Date (Theaters) | Dec 8, 2023 (Limited) |
Runtime | 1h 42m |
Distributor | Republic Pictures |
What is the movie The End We Start From about?
Amidst the tumult of an environmental catastrophe that submerges London in relentless floodwaters, the narrative unfolds as a young family grapples with the harrowing consequences of this deluge. The once-familiar cityscape transforms into a watery labyrinth, shattering the foundations of normalcy for our protagonists.
Within the chaotic currents, the family is forcibly torn apart, and the story takes an emotionally charged turn as a resilient woman, cradling her newborn, embarks on a poignant journey to reunite with her fragmented family. The unfolding drama becomes a test of not only physical endurance but also an exploration of the profound and transformative nature of motherhood.
As the woman navigates the submerged urban landscape, each step is laden with the weight of survival and the overwhelming responsibility of nurturing a new life in the face of adversity. The film weaves an intimate tapestry of human resilience, casting a poetic lens on the inherent challenges of family survival during times of crisis.
Against the backdrop of rising waters, the narrative skillfully captures the profound novelty of motherhood, amplifying the visceral emotions and sacrifices that come with protecting and nurturing the next generation. The flooding serves as a metaphorical crucible, forging bonds and unraveling the layers of the characters’ relationships.
This cinematic portrayal transcends the traditional disaster genre, delving deep into the human experience, and exploring themes of love, sacrifice, and the enduring strength of familial bonds. The submerged city becomes a metaphorical canvas on which the characters paint their struggles, hopes, and the extraordinary journey of discovering the unyielding spirit within the crucible of chaos.
The End We Start From Parents Guide
As of the time of writing this movie review, the movie’s rating is mentioned as “Not Yet,” and specific parental guidance details are not included. To get accurate parental guidance for the movie “The End We Start From,” it’s recommended to check back to this page closer to the movie’s release date.
The cast of The End We Start From:
- Jodie Comer
- Joel Fry
- Benedict Cumberbatch
- Katherine Waterston
- Gina McKee
- Nina Sosanya
- Mark Strong
- Ramanique Ahluwalia
- Leah Clarke
- Liza Marshall
- Adam Ackland
- Amy Jackson
- Sophie Hunter
Executive Producers:
- Eva Yates
- Claudia Yusef
- SĂ©bastien Raybaud
- Fanny Soulier
- Pieter Engels
- Kate Maxwell
- Dave Caplan
- Jason Cloth
- Lizzie Francke
- Jodie Comer
- Benedict Cumberbatch
- Mark Strong
- Rob Harper
“The End We Start From” is an upcoming Thriller-Drama film directed by Mahalia Belo, featuring a talented cast including Jodie Comer, Benedict Cumberbatch, and Joel Fry. The movie, set to debut on December 8, 2023, explores a gripping narrative amidst an environmental catastrophe submerging London in floodwaters.
Key Points:
- Genre and Release: Thriller-Drama set to debut on December 8, 2023.
- Director and Writers: Directed by Mahalia Belo, script penned by Alice Birch and Megan Hunter.
- Cast: Includes Jodie Comer, Benedict Cumberbatch, Joel Fry, and more.
- Plot: Family grapples with the consequences of an environmental catastrophe submerging London.
- Themes: Explores motherhood, resilience, and familial bonds in the face of adversity.
- Duration: Runtime of 1 hour and 42 minutes.
- Production: Produced by BBC Film and Hera Pictures, distributed by UTA Independent Film Group.
- Cast and Producers: Notable names include Jodie Comer, Joel Fry, Benedict Cumberbatch, and producers Leah Clarke and Liza Marshall.
- Executive Producers: Includes Jodie Comer, Benedict Cumberbatch, and Mark Strong.
- Metaphorical Elements: The flooded city serves as a metaphorical canvas for exploring struggles, hopes, and the enduring strength of familial bonds.