Luther: The Fallen Sun Parents Guide – Parent Guilding

Luther: The Fallen Sun Parents Guide

Luther: The Fallen Sun – An intense action thriller for mature audiences. Discover the gripping storyline and compelling performances. Rated R. Not suitable for children.

Luther The Fallen Sun

Parents Guide Review

Luther: The Fallen Sun is a 2023 British crime thriller film directed by Neil Marshall and written by Neil Cross. It is a continuation of the award-winning television series Luther, starring Idris Elba as Detective Chief Inspector John Luther.

The film picks up where the series left off, with Luther in prison for his illegal actions as a police officer. However, he is released early when a new serial killer begins terrorizing London. This killer, David Robey (Andy Nyman), is a wealthy city trader who livestreams his torture and murder of victims on the internet.

Luther is determined to stop Robey, but he is also haunted by his own past. He must face his own demons if he is to succeed in bringing Robey to justice.

The film was released on Netflix on March 10, 2023. It received mixed reviews from critics, with some praising Elba’s performance and the film’s dark atmosphere, while others criticized its violence and lack of originality.

Age Rating and Content Warnings

Age Rating: Luther: The Fallen Sun is rated R for mature audiences due to its intense violence, graphic language, and sexual content. It is not suitable for children under the age of 17.

Potentially Objectionable Content


  • We hear suggestive moaning and see the bare legs of a woman and the back of a man (sex is implied) on a screen.
  • A man kisses his wife as she sits in a wheelchair in a hospital (please see the Violence/Gore category for more details).
  • A man talks about meeting another man through an online sex site and that when they arranged to meet, they undertook violent activity, implying that the other man was hurt or died.
  • A man is seen in a prison shower room (we see his bare back, shoulders, and partial buttocks) where he is attacked (please see the Violence/Gore category for more details).
  • A display shows a cadaver hanging on a cross on a wall (no genitals are evident). A silhouette and a neon sign in the shape of nude women are shown at the entrance to an exotic dance club. Scantily clad women are seen dancing on screens in an exotic dance club, and we hear some suggestive moaning.


  • Several men and women discover eight bodies hanging from the ceiling, as the room is ignited in flames.
  • People standing on ledges on tall buildings fall to the ground as others watch and cars crash together below.
  • A man holds a knife to another man’s throat and stabs him in the abdomen. They fight, gouge each other’s eyes, and one man is slashed on the leg.
  • A man knees a woman in the abdomen and wraps a zip tie around her throat. Another man repeatedly strikes a man with a nightstick and sprays him with a water hose.
  • A room ignites in flames, and a man catches fire as two others watch. A man tells a woman to stab a man, and we see blood on his abdomen.
  • There are scenes of physical fights, including choking, kicking, and punching.
  • People are shown being tortured, drowned, and killed. Dead bodies are seen floating under ice-covered water.
  • Recordings of a young man pleading for help and screaming while being tortured are played.
  • A man puts glue on an open and bloody abdominal wound.


The movie contains about 34 instances of the F-word, as well as other strong language and name-calling.

Positive Messages and Themes

Message: A decent man can sometimes bend the rules, but he always means well and it’s for a just cause.

What You Should Know

1. What is the age rating for Luther: The Fallen Sun?

Luther: The Fallen Sun is rated R for mature audiences. It contains intense violence, graphic language, and sexual content. It is not suitable for children under the age of 17.

2. Is Luther: The Fallen Sun suitable for children?

No, Luther: The Fallen Sun is not suitable for children. It is rated R and intended for mature audiences above the age of 17. The movie contains intense violence, strong language, and sexual content, which may not be appropriate for younger viewers.

3. What kind of content warnings should parents be aware of?

Parents should be aware of the following content in Luther: The Fallen Sun:

  • Intense violence, including fights, stabbings, and torture scenes.
  • Graphic language with about 34 instances of the F-word.
  • Sexual content and references, including partial nudity and suggestive scenes.

4. Are there any positive messages or themes in the movie?

Yes, Luther: The Fallen Sun carries a message that a decent man can sometimes bend the rules for a just cause. The protagonist’s intentions are good, even though he engages in morally ambiguous actions.

5. Is Luther: The Fallen Sun a suitable movie for teenagers?

While Luther: The Fallen Sun is rated R and intended for audiences above 17, parents should assess the maturity and sensitivity of their teenagers before allowing them to watch the movie. The intense violence, sexual content, and strong language may not be suitable for all teenagers.

6. Can I watch Luther: The Fallen Sun with my family?

Luther: The Fallen Sun is not recommended for family viewing. The movie contains explicit violence, strong language, and sexual content that may not be appropriate for all family members, especially children.

7. What is the genre of Luther: The Fallen Sun?

Luther: The Fallen Sun falls under the genre of action thriller.

8. Who are the main actors in Luther: The Fallen Sun?

The main actors in Luther: The Fallen Sun include [Idris Elba, Cynthia Erivo, and Andy Serkis. They deliver compelling performances in their respective roles.

9. Is Luther: The Fallen Sun based on a true story?

No, Luther: The Fallen Sun is a work of fiction and is not based on a true story.

10. What is the runtime of Luther: The Fallen Sun?

The runtime of Luther: The Fallen Sun is approximately 129 minutes.

11. Is Luther: The Fallen Sun part of a series or franchise?

The movie is a continuation of the award-winning BBC television series Luther, which ran for five seasons from 2010 to 2019. In Luther: The Fallen Sun, Luther is haunted by his failure to capture a cyber psychopath who now taunts him from behind bars. He decides to break out of prison to finish the job by any means necessary.

Overall Suitability for Children and Families

Luther: The Fallen Sun is an intense and violent movie with graphic content, strong language, and sexual references. It is not appropriate for children or young teenagers. The movie is rated R and is intended for mature audiences above the age of 17. Parents should exercise caution and consider the age and maturity of their teenagers before allowing them to watch this movie.