Moonfall Parents Guide – Parent Guilding

Moonfall Parents Guide

Moonfall Parental Guidance Review and Ratings. Age rating, objectionable content, positive messages, cast overview, and family suitability.


Moonfall is a 2022 science fiction disaster film that follows a group of astronauts who must save the world when the moon is knocked out of orbit and begins to fall towards Earth.

The film opens with a scene of a mysterious force knocking the moon out of its orbit. This event causes a series of disasters on Earth, including tsunamis, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. A group of astronauts, including former NASA astronaut Jo Fowler (Halle Berry), are sent on a mission to investigate the cause of the moon’s erratic behavior. They soon discover that the moon is not what it seems to be. It is actually a giant alien spaceship that has been hiding on the dark side of the moon for millions of years.

The astronauts must race against time to stop the moon from crashing into Earth. They also have to contend with a group of rogue astronauts who are trying to take control of the mission. In the end, the astronauts are able to save the world, but not without making some sacrifices.

Moonfall is a visually impressive film with some exciting action sequences. However, the plot is questionable and full of holes. The characters are also underdeveloped and unlikable.

Age Rating and Content Warnings

“Moonfall” is rated PG-13 by the MPAA for violence, disaster action, strong language, and some drug use. As a parent, it’s important to be aware of these content warnings to make an informed decision about whether this movie is suitable for your child.

The movie contains scenes of intense violence, including space shuttle attacks resulting in deaths and injuries. There are also instances of strong language, including about three instances of the F-word and various mild obscenities.

Additionally, there are discussions of exes and divorce, as well as references to drug use.

Plot Overview

“Moonfall” tells the story of a crisis when the moon is knocked off its orbit and heads on a collision course with Earth.

Humanity’s last hope rests on a disgraced astronaut, a NASA executive, and a conspiracy theorist who believes the moon is an alien superstructure.

Together, they embark on a dangerous mission to save humanity by flying to the moon.

The movie features a talented cast, including Patrick Wilson, Halle Berry, John Bradley, Charlie Plummer, Wenwen Yu, and Michael Peña. It is directed by Roland Emmerich, known for his expertise in disaster films.

Potentially Objectionable Content


The movie includes several intense and violent scenes. For example, there are space shuttle attacks where astronauts are killed by a metallic tentacle-like cloud that breaks through their visors.

There are also instances of people being engulfed by a cloud of particles and a man caught in a beam of light. Car chases involving guns and shootings occur, and there are references to looting and societal unrest.

Earthquakes and severe flooding are depicted, leading to significant destruction and danger. It’s important to consider your child’s sensitivity to intense and violent scenes before deciding to watch this movie together.


The film contains strong language, including about three instances of the F-word and other mild obscenities. There are also name-calling and religious exclamations. If you have concerns about your child’s exposure to such language, it’s advisable to exercise caution.


There are references to drug use in the movie, including a character smoking marijuana and discussions about someone who smokes a lot of weed.

A character also takes capsules for anxiety and IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). These references may prompt discussions about substance use and its consequences.

Positive Messages

Despite the intense action and potential objectionable content, “Moonfall” delivers a positive message about fighting for the people you love.

The characters in the movie demonstrate bravery, sacrifice, and determination to save humanity from impending disaster.

This message can serve as a starting point for conversations with your child about courage, love, and the importance of working together in challenging situations.

What You Should Know

1. Is “Moonfall” suitable for children?

“Moonfall” is rated PG-13 and contains intense violence, strong language, and some drug use. Parents should consider the age and sensitivity of their children before allowing them to watch this movie. It is advisable for younger children to avoid this film due to its intense and potentially frightening scenes.

2. What is the age rating for “Moonfall”?

“Moonfall” is rated PG-13 by the MPAA, indicating that some material may be inappropriate for children under 13 years of age. Parental guidance is suggested.

3. How violent is “Moonfall”?

“Moonfall” contains scenes of intense violence, including deaths, injuries, and destruction caused by space shuttle attacks, a metallic tentacle-like cloud, and natural disasters. These scenes may be disturbing for some viewers, especially younger or more sensitive individuals.

4. Does “Moonfall” have strong language?

Yes, “Moonfall” features strong language, including about three instances of the F-word, as well as various mild obscenities. Parents who are concerned about their child’s exposure to strong language should take this into consideration.

5. Are there any sexual or nudity scenes in “Moonfall”?

No, “Moonfall” does not contain any sexual or nudity scenes. However, there are discussions of exes and divorce, which may prompt questions from younger viewers.

6. What positive messages does “Moonfall” convey?

“Moonfall” carries a positive message about fighting for the people you love and working together to overcome challenges. The characters in the movie demonstrate bravery, sacrifice, and determination to save humanity. This message can serve as a starting point for discussions about courage, love, and teamwork with your child.

7. Are there any educational aspects to “Moonfall”?

While “Moonfall” is primarily an action-packed disaster movie, it touches upon space flight, alien technology, the creation of humankind, and human error. These topics can spark curiosity and interest in science and space exploration, leading to further educational exploration and discussions with your child.

8. Can “Moonfall” be enjoyed as a family movie?

“Moonfall” may not be suitable for all families due to its intense action, violence, and strong language. It is recommended for families with older teens who enjoy disaster movies and can handle the content. Parents should use their judgment and consider their child’s maturity level and sensitivities before watching the movie together.

9. Are there any positive role models in “Moonfall”?

“Moonfall” features characters who display bravery, determination, and a willingness to sacrifice for the greater good. These qualities can serve as positive role models for viewers, highlighting the importance of resilience and teamwork in challenging situations.

10. How can I discuss the content of “Moonfall” with my child?

Before or after watching the movie, engage in open and honest conversations with your child about the content they have seen. Encourage them to share their thoughts, feelings, and any questions they may have. Use these discussions as opportunities to reinforce positive values, address concerns, and provide guidance.

The Verdict

Considering the PG-13 rating and the content warnings of violence, strong language, and some drug use, “Moonfall” may not be suitable for younger children.

The movie contains intense action sequences and scenes that can be frightening or overwhelming for sensitive viewers. However, for older teens and parents who enjoy disaster movies and are comfortable with the content, “Moonfall” offers an exciting and visually stunning cinematic experience.

As always, it’s essential for parents to make an informed decision based on their child’s maturity level and individual sensitivities.